DIPLOM BETRIEBSWIRTIN (Diploma in business administration)
Franziska Triebler supports and advises on transaction-focused tax structuring and the optimization of real estate investments (asset and share deals) focusing on all German tax and accounting issues. Among her clients are project developers, investors as well as asset and fund managers.
Additionally, she has many years of professional experience in general tax advice, accounting and tax declaration for medium-sized to large companies (e.g. corporations, partnerships, freelance partnerships) of different businesses (main focus on real estate).
- Diplom Betriebswirtin (BA) with Jebens Mensching since 2020
- Assistant Manager with KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Hamburg
- Senior Accountant with mensching plus Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH, Hamburg
- Dual Course of Study (tax consulting/auditing) at University of Cooperative Education / BA Leipzig (2001-2004)
Track Record
- JM berät Captiva beim Kauf eines Neubauquartiers in Erfurt
- JM berät Captiva beim Kauf des Lurup Centers
- JM berät CT Real Estate Partners Germany beim Kauf des modernen Wohnquartiers „Fürstenhöfe“ im Herzen Düsseldorfs
- JM berät Captiva beim Ankauf eines Supermarkt-Pakets
- Jebens Mensching berät PROXIMUS bei Erwerb einer Immobilie in Landstuhl
- JM advises PROXIMUS on acquisition of the TRIGON in Fribourg
- JM berät BMO Real Estate Partners Germany beim Kauf des Fachmarktzentrums „Neiße Park“ in Görlitz
- JM advises Captiva on purchase of the health and service center "Alte Spinnerei" in Bayreuth for "Captiva Gesundheitsimmobilien Deutschland 1" fund
- JM advises Captiva on the acquisition of a new building portfolio
- JM advises PROXIMUS on the purchase of a medical center in Warendorf
- JM advises Captiva on the acquisition of a production site in Fulda
- Jebens Mensching advises PROXIMUS on purchase of medical center Sanupark in Hochheim
- JM advises Captiva on the purchase of a real estate portfolio consisting of 23 EDEKA stores